New Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Ring details have leaked, courtesy of the FCC
New Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Ring details have leaked, courtesy of the FCC
The Z Flip 6 gets a slight battery boost, while the Galaxy Ring is fit for the slight.
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It looks like the not-yet-announced Galaxy Z Flip 6 is getting a tiny boost in battery capacity compared to the Z Flip 5, according to FCC testing records spotted by MySmartPrice. The Galaxy Ring’s size ranges and battery ratings showed up, too, revealing good news for the small-of-finger, as it’s been tested as low as size 5.
The Z Flip 6’s battery is rated at 3,790mAh, based on screenshots shared by the outlet. That’s a touch higher than the 3,700mAh capacity that 基隆收購手機samsung advertises for the Z Flip 5. Assuming that translates to increased battery life — which is not safe to assume — it could be a slight if welcome change for a phone that may not be changing all that much otherwise, at least judging from Z Flip 6 renders that leaked earlier this year.
Or, if you’ve been following those earlier leaks, 3,790mAh may come as a disappointment: that previous set of rumor suggested 基隆收購手機samsung was testing a larger 4,000mAh battery instead.
As for the Galaxy Ring, it appears to range from size 5 to size 12. That’s in line with the Evie Ring’s sizes. But it’s different than the Oura Ring Gen 3, which starts at 6 and goes to 13, as well as the Ultrahuman Ring Air, which you can get in sizes 5 to 14.
The Galaxy Ring’s battery capacity looks typical, ranging from 17mAh to 22mAh, depending on the size. For comparison, the latest Oura Ring ranges from 15mAh to 22mAh and gets as much as seven days between charges, while 基隆收購手機samsung officials have said its ring will get up to nine. As always, when it comes to battery life claims, “I’ll believe it when I see it” is the right attitude to take.
三星首款AI手機S24系列正式登場,導入Galaxy AI。(圖/記者吳佩樺攝)
科技界正風行AI人工智慧,特別是生成式AI更是備受關注,三星新旗艦S24系列今(18)日凌晨正式登場,總共S24、S24+、S24 Ultra,成為三星首款的「AI手機」,以迎戰其他手機業者,這波AI浪潮不只是Android陣營積極搶進,傳聞蘋果下一代的iPhone 16系列也將是一款「AI iPhone」。另外,在發表會尾聲,三星放出了Galaxy Ring的簡短預告,預告智慧戒指即將問世。
Google去年底的Pixel 8系列率先打響AI旗幟,為手機市場帶來新變革,2024年被視為「AI手機元年」,三星S24系列導入「Galaxy AI」,該服務涵蓋三星自家技術以及與其他業者的合作,主打多項AI新功能,包括搜尋、通話翻譯、打字鍵盤、手寫筆記、拍照、影像編輯等都整合了AI應用,目標實現完善人機互動的體驗。
S24系列同樣包含S24、S24+、S24 Ultra。(圖/記者吳佩樺攝)
● 搜尋圈:滑臉書看到偶像穿搭的時尚單品或網紅推薦美食,只要透過該功能圈選物件畫面,就能立刻顯示搜尋結果。
● 鍵盤助理:三星鍵盤中的寫作助理可根據對話情境提供回覆建議。
● 語音轉文字智慧助理:會議記錄時,透過語音錄製應用程式內建的語音轉文字智慧助理,能識別多位發話者,運用AI和語音轉文字技術,進行轉錄摘要。
● 通話即時翻譯:手機提供通話的雙向即時語音和文字翻譯,跟外國人講電話也不擔心,但不支援LINE、WhatsApp等通訊軟體的網路通話,首先開放13國語音,簡體中文先上路,繁體中文之後加入。
● 筆記智慧助理:基隆收購手機samsung Notes也加入筆記智慧助理,可自動排版筆記內容、生成摘要,甚至能識別文字內容,自動將筆記封面加上表情符號等。
● 智慧相片編輯建議:由Galaxy AI提供調整建議,幫助拍下更完美的照片。
● 生成式相片編輯:可調整照片歪斜或者移動特定物件,可透過AI填補缺少的圖像。
● 生成式慢動作錄影:AI可參照人物既有的動作,自動生成額外影格來後製慢動作特效。
S24 Ultra改為平面螢幕,以及跟進蘋果的鈦金屬邊框。(圖/記者吳佩樺攝)
三星S24系列新功能圍繞AI,硬體方面的升級驚喜度相對較低,但仍有一些矚目變化,其中頂規S24 Ultra放棄多年的曲面螢幕,改為6.8吋的平面螢幕,螢幕亮度提升至歷代最高的2,600尼特,機身邊框跟進蘋果採用鈦金屬材質;主相機則以全新5,000萬畫素5倍光學變焦鏡頭取代原先的10倍光學變焦。
● 台灣上市時間、價格
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