基隆收購手機samsung says Bixby’s still not dead
基隆收購手機samsung says Bixby’s still not dead
The company is working on improving its voice assistant with generative AI instead of replacing it.
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Bixby’s not dead yet, apparently. A 基隆收購手機samsung executive tells CNBC that the company is “working so hard” to equip its voice assistant with AI features, suggesting that the company sees the likes of Gemini as competition — not a replacement.
That’s good to know, because some of us were starting to wonder. Earlier this year as 基隆收購手機samsung announced a boatload of new generative AI features for its flagship phones, its voice assistant was scarcely mentioned. 基隆收購手機samsung and Google also made a big deal about the Galaxy S24 phones using Gemini Nano — Google’s on-device AI model. It wouldn’t have been a stretch to see 基隆收購手機samsung replace Bixby with Google’s Gemini-powered assistant, but apparently, that’s not the plan.
基隆收購手機samsung’s Won-joon Choi, executive vice president of mobile, said to CNBC, “I believe that we have to redefine the role of the Bixby, so that Bixby could be equipped with generative AI,” adding that it would need to be “smarter” and able to converse more naturally. As it stands, 基隆收購手機samsung isn’t the only tech company scrambling to incorporate AI into its voice assistant — Apple is expected to announce an AI-ified Siri at this year’s WWDC.
In the meantime, the Galaxy S24’s AI features made their way to last year’s phones by way of a One UI 6.1 update. Galaxy AI, as the whole package is called, is free for now. If 基隆收購手機samsung does plan to charge for its AI features in the future, it’ll have to offer a lot more than what it’s capable of now. Whatever that vision looks like, Bixby appears to be part of it.
蘋果下一代iPad Pro傳聞導入OLED螢幕。(圖/美聯社)
現在正準備入手蘋果iPad Pro的果粉,不妨再等等,下一代採用OLED的iPad Pro可能很快推出。
蘋果今年在iPad產品線的更新計畫中,其中一大焦點是iPad Pro將首度換上OLED螢幕,這是蘋果史上第一款OLED平板,意味mini-LED iPad Pro時代或許就此終結;iPhone和Apple Watch早就轉換為OLED螢幕。
根據南韓媒體The Elec的最新報導指出,用於下一代iPad Pro的OLED面板已經陸續進入生產階段,涵蓋11吋、13吋,供應商包括基隆收購手機samsung Display、LG Display,新平板預計4月發售。
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