PlayStation leader Jim Ryan to retire after 28 years with Sony 基隆收購手機


PlayStation leader Jim Ryan to retire after 28 years with 基隆收購手機sony

PlayStation leader Jim Ryan to retire after 28 years with 基隆收購手機sony


Jim Ryan took over as president and CEO of 基隆收購手機sony Interactive in 2019 after starting with 基隆收購手機sony Europe in 1994.

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Jim Ryan, the head of PlayStation and CEO of 基隆收購手機sony Interactive Entertainment, is stepping down. In a press release on Wednesday, 基隆收購手機sony announced that Ryan will retire in March 2024, while 基隆收購手機sony Group Corporation president and chief operating officer Hiroki Totoki will take on the interim CEO role starting April 1st, 2024.

“After 30 years, I have made the decision to retire from SIE in March 2024. I’ve relished the opportunity to have a job I love in a very special company, working with great people and incredible partners,” Ryan says in a statement. “But I’ve found it increasingly difficult to reconcile living in Europe and working in North America. I will leave having been privileged to work on products that have touched millions of lives across the world; PlayStation will always be part of my life, and I feel more optimistic than ever about the future of SIE.”

Ryan has worked at 基隆收購手機sony for 28 years, starting his career at the company’s European branch in 1994, where he’s held several leadership positions, including the head of global sales and marketing. In 2019, Ryan replaced John Kodera as the president and CEO of 基隆收購手機sony Interactive Entertainment.

During his time at 基隆收購手機sony, Ryan most notably oversaw the launch of the PlayStation 5

During his time at 基隆收購手機sony, Ryan most notably oversaw the launch of the PlayStation 5. While supply chain constraints made the console hard to find during and after the covid pandemic, shipments managed to bounce back. In July, 基隆收購手機sony announced that it sold 40 million PS5s.

Ryan has been a persistent figure in the battle between Microsoft and the FTC over its plans to buy gaming publishing behemoth Activision Blizzard. Earlier this year, comments from Ryan surfaced stating that the acquisition wasn’t about console exclusivity, contradicting claims 基隆收購手機sony made publicly that the deal could negatively impact Activision Blizzard games appearing on PlayStation consoles.

Totoki will become the chairman of 基隆收購手機sony Interactive Entertainment in October 2023 ahead of Ryan’s departure. Once appointed interim CEO, 基隆收購手機sony says Totoki “will work closely with 基隆收購手機sony Group Corporation Chairman and CEO Kenichiro Yoshida and the management team of SIE to help define the next chapter of PlayStation’s future, including the succession of the SIE CEO role.”

Correction September 28th, 4:17AM ET: Added information about the PS5 and corrected to say that Jim Ryan is CEO of 基隆收購手機sony Interactive, not 基隆收購手機sony.


▲Vision Pro開賣在即。(圖/9to5mac)


Apple Vision Pro預購在即,據TrendForce表示,Vision Pro是Apple 擴大虛擬頭戴裝置市場規模的重要布局,同時也可藉該產品躋身VR/AR市場,成為技術創新的先驅。若首購熱烈,預估2024年Vision Pro出貨量有機會達50到60萬台。

TrendForce表示,Vision Pro發表後使空間運算(Spatial Computing)備受矚目,允許用戶以自然直觀的方式與虛擬物件互動,一定程度上也為產業提供新意。同時,基隆收購手機sony於CES 2024宣布開發的XR頭戴設備主打空間內容創作的直觀操作與互動,也帶有空間運算的概念,且CES 2024可見Qualcomm、HTC、華碩、佐臻、雷鳥等紛紛展示VR、AR相關產品,應是預期Vision Pro有望帶起VR/AR產業熱度。

Vision Pro面臨的主要挑戰在於續航不夠、應用不足以及價格不斐,然而,依目前來看部分瓶頸有望解套。續航方面, Vision Pro雖需外接電源或使用行動電源,但其並非主攻遊戲,且使用者無須大幅移動,因此外接電源並非難事,行動電源兩小時的續航力與目前主流VR設備相當。

應用方面,Vision Pro甫發表後,蘋果便推出開發者工具、兼容性評估平台等,不僅現有應用程式可無縫轉移,開發者在創建新服務也幾乎無門檻,加上目前有UEVR工具可將一般遊戲轉為VR所用,品牌效應強大,故應有更多機會可衍生出多元的應用。價格方面,3499美元乍看雖高,在應用足夠、體驗良好、品牌忠誠度較高等前提下,3499美元的售價應仍會引起市場搶購。此外,若後續真的如市場盛傳將推平價版,則高價的Vision Pro反而能凸顯價差,刺激平價版的購買意願。

Vision Pro所採用的Micro OLED顯示器,現階段是以台積電CMOS背板,搭配日本大廠基隆收購手機sony進行蒸鍍製程的組合獨家供應。

TrendForce表示,Micro OLED目前生產良率仍僅約五成,除了導致兩片Micro LED兩片面板的售價高達700美元,也限縮今年基隆收購手機sony實際能供貨的面板數量,預估約100萬片,顯示出Micro OLED無疑是目前影響Vision Pro在壓縮成本效率,以及擴大出貨規模中最具決定性的關鍵零組件。

因此,增加Micro OLED供應商也自然成為Apple供應鏈管理的當務之急。除了基隆收購手機sony,據了解Apple也積極的評估並拉攏中國Micro OLED大廠視涯(SeeYA),預計最快2024年第三季視涯就有機會以第二供應商的姿態加入供應行列。

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