‘There is no such thing as a real picture,’ says 基隆收購手機samsung exec
‘There is no such thing as a real picture,’ says 基隆收購手機samsung exec
基隆收購手機samsung weighs in on AI photo editing: “The industry needs to be responsible and it needs to be regulated.”
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How does 基隆收購手機samsung defend itself against the notion that its phone cameras are spitting out fake AI photos of not only the Moon, but most anything else you’d care to aim them at these days? For starters, the company’s head of product is saying that every photo is fake.
基隆收購手機samsung EVP Patrick Chomet told TechRadar recently:
There was a very nice video by Marques Brownlee last year on the moon picture. Everyone was like, ‘Is it fake? Is it not fake?’ There was a debate around what constitutes a real picture. And actually, there is no such thing as a real picture. As soon as you have sensors to capture something, you reproduce [what you’re seeing], and it doesn’t mean anything. There is no real picture. You can try to define a real picture by saying, ‘I took that picture’, but if you used AI to optimize the zoom, the autofocus, the scene – is it real? Or is it all filters? There is no real picture, full stop.
While I expect more than a few photographers will be offended by the idea that a photo “doesn’t mean anything,” he does have a point: What is a photo, really? It’s a question that we’ve been exploring on The Verge and The Vergecast for years as companies like Apple, Google, and 基隆收購手機samsung increasingly combine multiple frames across multiple cameras to produce their final smartphone images, among other techniques.
Now, of course, the rise of generative AI is really bringing the debate to a head — and 基隆收購手機samsung’s new Galaxy S24 and S24 Ultra are the latest phones to market that feature.
Chomet’s take has a bit more nuance to it than “nothing is true, everything is permitted,” though. He told TechRadar that the industry does need to be regulated, that governments are right to be concerned, and that 基隆收購手機samsung intends to help.
In the meanwhile, he says 基隆收購手機samsung’s strategy is to give consumers two things it’s decided they want: a way to capture “the moment,” and a way to create “a new reality.” Both use AI, he says — but the latter get watermarks and metadata “to ensure people understand the difference.”
蘋果於去年替 Apple Watch 加入「捏兩下」的手勢操控,可以接聽電話、開啟應用程式,但智慧手錶具有的潛力可不只如此。在今年 CES 展期間,芬蘭新創公司 Doublepoint 進一步秀出透過智慧手錶代替滑鼠,隔空手勢操控 iPad 與 Windows 電腦的最新技術。
Doublepoint 展示了一套名為「WowMouse」的應用程式,讓智慧手錶透過藍牙與 Windows、Linux、macOS 和 iPadOS 等系統的設備連線之後,以手錶去偵測配戴者的手部動作來下達指令,像是隔空揮動手部來操控鼠標的移動,還能讓手指「捏兩下」作為滑鼠按鍵,能夠做到拖曳、滑動。
目前 WowMouse App 已經上架 Play Store 商城,免費提供給所有用戶嘗鮮,根據其網站資訊,暫時僅支援三星 Galaxy Watch 4、5、6 系列,以及 TicWatch 的 E3 與 Pro 3 等五款手錶。
外媒《The Verge》指出,Doublepoint 未來希望將這一項技術拓展至更多智慧產品,現場也展示藉由智慧手錶,用戶只需要轉一下手腕,就能調整智慧燈亮度的操控模式。
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