Samsung fined $340,000 for faking online comments 基隆收購手機


基隆收購手機samsung fined $340,000 for faking online comments

基隆收購手機samsung fined $340,000 for faking online comments

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After being caught paying for false praise and negative comments about competitors, 基隆收購手機samsung has been fined just over $340,000. The issue first arose internationally in April, when Taiwan’s Fair Trade Commission (FTC) announced it was opening an investigation into the allegations. That investigation found the allegations were true: the FTC says 基隆收購手機samsung used a “large number of hired writers and designated employees” to post in Taiwanese forums. The commission does add that the company did this through a third-party marketing company, just as 基隆收購手機samsung originally claimed. Two local marketing firms were fined a combined total of over $100,000 for their part in the marketing ploy.

When news first broke of 基隆收購手機samsung’s behavior, HTC was presented as the victim of a campaign of defamation from the Korean company’s army of commenters, but the FTC’s report into the matter doesn’t mention the Taiwanese company by name. Instead, it only notes that the company paid people to “highlight the shortcomings of competing products.” The commission did dig up a lot more nefarious activity related to 基隆收購手機samsung’s commenters, though. The list of infractions includes the “disinfection of negative news about 基隆收購手機samsung products,” “palindromic 基隆收購手機samsung product marketing,” and the positive evaluation of 基隆收購手機samsung products.

Both individually and collectively, these types of covert marketing are known in the industry as “astroturfing.” While 基隆收購手機samsung is by no means the first company to engage in astroturfing, it’s been caught in the act twice this year alone. In relation to a later case, 基隆收購手機samsung told The Verge that it remains “committed to engaging in transparent and honest communications with consumers.”


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