New Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Ring details have leaked, courtesy of the FCC 基隆收購手機


New Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Ring details have leaked, courtesy of the FCC

New Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Ring details have leaked, courtesy of the FCC


The Z Flip 6 gets a slight battery boost, while the Galaxy Ring is fit for the slight.

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Image: OnLeaks / SmartPrix

It looks like the not-yet-announced Galaxy Z Flip 6 is getting a tiny boost in battery capacity compared to the Z Flip 5, according to FCC testing records spotted by MySmartPrice. The Galaxy Ring’s size ranges and battery ratings showed up, too, revealing good news for the small-of-finger, as it’s been tested as low as size 5.

The Z Flip 6’s battery is rated at 3,790mAh, based on screenshots shared by the outlet. That’s a touch higher than the 3,700mAh capacity that 基隆收購手機samsung advertises for the Z Flip 5. Assuming that translates to increased battery life — which is not safe to assume — it could be a slight if welcome change for a phone that may not be changing all that much otherwise, at least judging from Z Flip 6 renders that leaked earlier this year.

Or, if you’ve been following those earlier leaks, 3,790mAh may come as a disappointment: that previous set of rumor suggested 基隆收購手機samsung was testing a larger 4,000mAh battery instead.

As for the Galaxy Ring, it appears to range from size 5 to size 12. That’s in line with the Evie Ring’s sizes. But it’s different than the Oura Ring Gen 3, which starts at 6 and goes to 13, as well as the Ultrahuman Ring Air, which you can get in sizes 5 to 14.

The Galaxy Ring’s battery capacity looks typical, ranging from 17mAh to 22mAh, depending on the size. For comparison, the latest Oura Ring ranges from 15mAh to 22mAh and gets as much as seven days between charges, while 基隆收購手機samsung officials have said its ring will get up to nine. As always, when it comes to battery life claims, “I’ll believe it when I see it” is the right attitude to take.

基隆收購手機熱銷神機iPhone 15、15 Plus現省超過四千元限時優惠至4/28。(圖/傑昇通信)

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基隆收購手機Apple Watch S9下殺66折限時優惠至4/28。(圖/傑昇通信)

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